Source code for pollyxt_pipelines.scc_access

Tools for communicating with the SCC backend

Author: Thanasis Georgiou <>

Based on `scc-access` by Iannis Binietoglou <>:

from datetime import date
import contextlib
from typing import Union, List, Tuple
from pathlib import Path
import shutil

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from pollyxt_pipelines.console import console
from pollyxt_pipelines.locations import Location
from pollyxt_pipelines.config import Config
from pollyxt_pipelines.scc_access import constants, exceptions
from pollyxt_pipelines.scc_access.types import APIObject, LidarConstant, Measurement

[docs]class SCC_Credentials: """ Contains all required credentials to authenticate with SCC """ http_auth_user: str http_auth_password: str username: str password: str def __init__(self, config: Config): self.http_auth_user = config["http"]["username"] self.http_auth_password = config["http"]["password"] self.username = config["auth"]["username"] self.password = config["auth"]["password"]
[docs]class SCC: """ Represents a session with SCC. Before making any calls, the user should login using `login()`! It's recommended to use the `scc_session()` context manager, which handles logging in and out. """ def __init__(self, credentials: SCC_Credentials): self.credentials = credentials # Create requests session self.session = requests.Session() self.session.auth = (credentials.http_auth_user, credentials.http_auth_password) self.session.verify = True
[docs] def login(self): """ Login to SCC This function starts a session with the SCC backend, storing the authentication cookies so they can be used by the rest of the methods. Remember to call `logout()`! """ # Get login form (for csrf token) login_page = self.session.get(constants.login_url) if not login_page.ok: raise exceptions.PageNotAccessible( constants.login_url, login_page.status_code ) # Submit login form body = { "username": self.credentials.username, "password": self.credentials.password, } headers = { "X-CSRFToken": login_page.cookies["csrftoken"], "referer": constants.login_url, } logon_request = constants.login_url, data=body, headers=headers ) # Do some basic checking on the response if "Wrong username or password" in logon_request.text: raise exceptions.WrongCredentialsException()
[docs] def logout(self): """Logout of SCC""" self.session.get(constants.login_url)
[docs] def download_file(self, url: str, path: Path): """ Downloads a single file from SCC to the given path Parameters: url: Which URL to download the file from path: Where to store the downloaded file """ with self.session.get(url, stream=True) as r: with open(path, "wb") as file: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, file)
[docs] def query_measurements( self, date_start: date, date_end: date, location: Union[Location, None], page=1 ) -> Tuple[int, List[Measurement]]: """ Searches SCC for uploaded measurements Parameters: date_start: First day of results date_end: Last day of results location: Optionally, filter results by a location page: Which page to return (starts from 1, default value is 1) Returns: The number of pages and the list of measurements """ if page - 1 < 0: raise ValueError("Page numbers start at 1!") params = { "start__gte": date_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "start__lt": date_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "p": page - 1, } if location is not None: params["station_id"] = location.scc_code results = self.session.get(constants.list_measurements_url, params=params) if not results.ok: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse # Parse body to find measurements and page count body = BeautifulSoup(results.text, "html.parser") pagination = body.find("nav", class_="grp-pagination") last_page = pagination.find("a", class_="end") if last_page is None: pages = 1 else: pages = int(last_page.text) measurements = [ Measurement.from_table_row(tr) for tr in body.findAll("tr", {"class": "grp-row"}) ] return pages, measurements
[docs] def download_products( self, measurement_id: str, download_path: Path, hirelpp=True, cloudmask=True, elpp=True, optical=True, elic=True, ): """ Downloads products for a given measurement (ID) to the given path. This function is a generator, yielding the filename of each downloaded file. Parameters: measurement_id: Which measurement to download products for download_path: Where to store the downloaded products hirelpp: Whether to download HiRELPP files cloudmask: Whether to download Cloudmask files elpp: Whether to download ELPP files optical: Whether to download optical (ELDA or ELDEC) files elic: Whether to download ELIC files """ # Determine URLs to download to_download = [] if hirelpp: to_download.append( { "url": constants.download_hirelpp_pattern.format(measurement_id), "path": download_path / f"hirelpp_{measurement_id}.zip", } ) if cloudmask: to_download.append( { "url": constants.download_cloudmask_pattern.format(measurement_id), "path": download_path / f"cloudmask_{measurement_id}.zip", } ) if elpp: to_download.append( { "url": constants.download_preprocessed_pattern.format( measurement_id ), "path": download_path / f"preprocessed_{measurement_id}.zip", } ) if optical: to_download.append( { "url": constants.download_optical_pattern.format(measurement_id), "path": download_path / f"optical_{measurement_id}.zip", } ) if elic: to_download.append( { "url": constants.download_elic_pattern.format(measurement_id), "path": download_path / f"elic_{measurement_id}.zip", } ) if len(to_download) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one product must be downloaded!") # Download each file for download in to_download: try: self.download_file(**download) yield download["path"] except Exception as ex: console.print("[error]Error while downloading file from SCC[/error]") console.print(f'[error]URL:[/error] {download["url"]}') console.print(f'[error]Path:[/error] {download["path"]}') console.print("[error]Exception:[/error]") console.print_exception() continue
[docs] def get_anchillary(self, file_id: str, file_type: str) -> Union[APIObject, None]: """ Uses the SCC API to fetch information about anchillary files. Parameters: file_id: File ID to lookup file_type: What kind of file to lookup ('sounding', 'overlap' or 'lidarratio') Returns: The API response about the file """ # Determine correct endpoint if file_type == "sounding": url = constants.api_sounding_search_pattern.format(file_id) elif file_type == "overlap": url = constants.api_overlap_search_pattern.format(file_id) elif file_type == "lidarratio": url = constants.api_lidarratio_search_pattern.format(file_id) else: raise ValueError( f"File type should be one of: sounding, overlap, lidarratio" ) # Make request response = self.session.get(url) if not response.ok: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse("Could not get anchillary file info") # Parse body # It should have an 'objects' dictionary containing one entry, if it is found response_body = response.json() objects = response_body["objects"] if objects: return APIObject(objects[0]) else: return None
[docs] def upload_file( self, filename: Path, system_id: str, rs_filename: Union[Path, None] = None, ov_filename: Union[Path, None] = None, lr_filename: Union[Path, None] = None, ): """ Uploads a file to SCC, together with the auxilary files. There is no return value, but it will throw for potential errors. Parameters: filename: Path to the SCC netCDF file system_id: SCC Lidar System ID for the system that made the measurement rs_filename: Path to the radiosonde netCDF file ov_filename: Path to the overlap netCDF file lr_filename: Path to the lidar ratio netCDF file """ # Check if the given anchillary files already exist before adding them to the request body files = {} if rs_filename is not None: info = self.get_anchillary(, "sounding") if info is not None and info.exists: console.print( f"[warn]Radiosonde file[/warn] {} [warn]already exists on SCC.[/warn]" ) else: files["sounding_file"] = open(rs_filename, "rb") if ov_filename is not None: info = self.get_anchillary(, "overlap") if info is not None and info.exists: console.print( f"[warn]Overlap file[/warn] {} [warn]already exists on SCC.[/warn]" ) else: files["overlap_file"] = open(ov_filename, "rb") if lr_filename is not None: info = self.get_anchillary(, "lidarratio") if info is not None and info.exists: console.print( f"[warn]Lidar ratio file[/warn] {} [warn]already exists on SCC.[/warn]" ) else: files["lidar_ratio_file"] = open(lr_filename, "rb") files["data"] = open(filename, "rb") # Get the form and submit it upload_page = self.session.get(constants.upload_url) body = {"system": system_id} headers = { "X-CSRFToken": upload_page.cookies["csrftoken"], "referer": constants.upload_url, } upload_submit = constants.upload_url, data=body, files=files, headers=headers ) # Check response response_body = BeautifulSoup(upload_submit.text, "html.parser") alerts = response_body.find_all("div", class_="alert-box") if len(alerts) > 0: errors = ", ".join([alert.p.text.strip() for alert in alerts]) raise exceptions.SCCError(errors) data_input_field = response_body.find("input", id="id_data") if data_input_field is not None: data_text = ( data_input_field.parent.find("p").text.strip().replace("\n", " ") ) if "Error:" in data_text: raise exceptions.SCCError(data_text) if ( upload_submit.status_code != 200 or upload_submit.url == constants.upload_url ): raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse("Upload to SCC failed, unknown reason")
[docs] def get_measurement(self, measurement_id: str) -> Union[Measurement, None]: """ Fetches information about one measurement from SCC. Parameters: measurement_id: Which measurement to lookup Returns: The measurement if it exists, None otherwise """ url = constants.api_measurement_pattern.format(measurement_id) response = self.session.get(url) if response.status_code == 404: return None elif not response.ok: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse() response_body = response.json() if response_body: return Measurement.from_json(response_body) else: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse()
[docs] def delete_measurement(self, measurement_id: str): """ Deletes a measurement from SCC Parameters: measurement_id: Which measurement to delete """ # Submit form url = constants.delete_measurement_pattern.format(measurement_id) body = { "select_delete_related_measurements": "not_delete_related", "post": "yes", } headers = { "referer": url, "X-CSRFToken": self.session.cookies["csrftoken"], } response =, data=body, headers=headers) # Look for success banner if response.status_code == 404: raise exceptions.MeasurementNotFound(measurement_id) if response.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse("Response code is not 200")
[docs] def rerun_processing(self, measurement_id: str): """ Asks SCC to re-run processing routines for a given measurement ID Parameters: measurement_id: Which measurement to re-run """ # Submit form url = constants.rerun_measurement_url body = { "_selected_action": measurement_id, "action": "rerun_all", "selected_across": "0", "index": 0, } headers = { "referer": url, "X-CSRFToken": self.session.cookies["csrftoken"], } response = url, data=body, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False ) # Look for success banner if response.status_code == 404: raise exceptions.MeasurementNotFound(measurement_id) if response.status_code != 302: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse("Response code is not 302") # Check for message in cookie messages_cookie = response.cookies["messages"] if messages_cookie is None: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse("`Messages` cookie not found") if "The processing chain was restarted" not in messages_cookie: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse( "Could not found restart message in cookie" )
[docs] def get_lidar_consants( self, date_start: date, date_end: date, location: Union[Location, None], page=1 ) -> Tuple[int, List[Measurement]]: """ Fetches the Lidar constants from SCC Parameters: date_start: First day of results date_end: Last day of results location: Optionally, filter results by a location page: Which page to return (starts from 1, default value is 1) Returns: The number of pages and the list of measurements """ if page - 1 < 0: raise ValueError("Page numbers start at 1!") params = { "profile_start_time__gte": date_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "profile_start_time__lt": date_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "p": page - 1, } if location is not None: params["station"] = location.scc_code results = self.session.get(constants.lidar_constants_url, params=params) if not results.ok: raise exceptions.UnexpectedResponse # Parse body to find measurements and page count body = BeautifulSoup(results.text, "html.parser") pagination = body.find("nav", class_="grp-pagination") last_page = pagination.find("a", class_="end") if last_page is None: pages = 1 else: pages = int(last_page.text) lidar_constants = [ LidarConstant.from_table_row(tr) for tr in body.findAll("tr", {"class": "grp-row"}) ] return pages, lidar_constants
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def scc_session(credentials: SCC_Credentials): """ An SCC session as a context, to use with `with:` Example:: with scc_access(credentials) as scc: # Use scc # ... """ try: scc = SCC(credentials) scc.login() yield scc finally: scc.logout()