Uploading to SCC and downloading products

The commands scc-upload and scc-download are used to upload files to SCC and download the processing products afterwards.


The scc-upload command is used to upload one or more files to SCC.

pollyxt_pipelines scc-upload <path> [<list>]
  • path required: Path to upload. If a direcctory, the program will upload all SCC files inside.

  • --no-calibration: If uploading a directory, do not upload calibration files.

  • list: Optionally, write the list of uploaded measurement IDs to a CSV file to later download the products.


This command required Authentication!

For each file uploaded, the program will try to find the corresponding sounding netCDF file and also upload it.

If you define the list, the program will create a CSV file containing all uploaded file IDs. You can later use this file to download the corresponding products using scc-download.

Download products

After uploading files using scc-upload and storing the list of IDs using the list argument, the products can be downloaded using scc-download. This command reads the list, checks for any files that have finished procesing, and downloads all results in a directory of choice.

pollyxt_pipelines scc-download [--id <...>] <output-directory> [<list>]
  • output-directory required: Where to store the downloaded files. This directory will be created if it doesn’t exist.

  • list: Path to list file generated by scc-upload. Checks all files and downloads all available products

  • --id: Instead of a list, you can provide one or mode measurement IDs to download products for.


Upload all files from the /scc_data directory to SCC and store the IDs inside uploaded.csv. Afterwards, download all measurement products:

# Store uploaded measurement IDs inside `uploaded.csv`
pollyxt_pipelines scc-upload ./scc_data uploaded.csv

# Wait for a bit for processing to finish...

# Download available products for the uploaded files
pollyxt_pipelines scc-download ./scc_products uploaded.csv
# You can repeat the above command to download any products that were not available
# during the first run


All network-related operationg are handled by the pollyxt_pipelines.scc_access module, which has a SCC class. For more information read the Network API page.