Searching and downloading historic data

The commands scc-search and scc-search-download can be used to search and download “old” processing results, without having to provide the measurement IDs yourself. You can use scc-search to see what is available and then use scc-search-download to download files of interest.


pollyxt_pipelines scc-search [--location [<...>]] [--to-csv <...>] <date-start> <date-end>
  • date-start required: First day to search (inclusive)

  • date-end required: Last day to search (exclusive)

  • --location=: Optionally filter by a measurement station

  • --detailed-status: Fetch processing status codes (eg. 127) for each product. This option must be used with --to-csv=.

  • --to-csv=: Optionally store the results in a CSV file. This file can also be used with scc-download

This command should output a table with all measurements for the given time period and the available products. When using --detailed-status, the resulting CSV will contain the processing status codes for each product. This option requires at least N request for N measurements so it should be avoided if not required.

Sample CSV file (without --detailed-status):


Sample CSV file (with --detailed-status):



pollyxt_pipelines scc-search-download [--location [<...>]] <date-start> <date-end>
  • date-start required: First day to search (inclusive)

  • date-end required: Last day to search (exclusive)

  • --location=: Optionally filter by a measurement station

  • --no-hirelpp: Do not download HiRELPP products

  • --no-cloudmask: Do not download cloudmask products

  • --no-elpp: Do not download ELPP files

  • --no-optical: Do not download optical (ELDA or ELDEC) files

  • --no-elic: Do not download ELIC files

By default, this command downloads all products but you can specifically excluse some using the --no-* options.

Lidar constants

The lidar constants table can be downloaded as a CSV file using the lidar-constants-scc command.

pollyxt_pipelines scc-lidar-constants [--location [<...>]] <date-start> <date-end> <csv>
  • date-start required: First day to search (inclusive)

  • date-end required: Last day to search (exclusive)

  • csv required: Where to save the CSV file.

  • --location=: Optionally filter by a measurement station


Search for all files between 2020-01-01 and 2020-02-01 from Finokalia.

pollyxt_pipelines scc-search 2020-01-01 2020-02-01 --location=Finokalia

Download all files between 2020-10-07 and 2020-10-10 from all stations

pollyxt_pipelines scc-search-download 2020-10-07 2020-10-10

Download all files, excluding optical products, between 2020-10-07 and 2020-10-10 from Antikythera:

pollyxt_pipelines scc-search-download 2020-10-07 2020-10-10 --no-optical --location=Antikythera

Download the Lidar constant table for a given date range.

pollyxt_pipelines scc-lidar-constants 2020-10-01 2020-11-01 lidar.csv


All network-related operationg are handled by the pollyxt_pipelines.scc_access module, which has a SCC class. For more information read the Network API page.