Routines for converting PollyXT files to SCC files
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import re
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from astral import LocationInfo
from astral.sun import sunrise, sunset
from pollyxt_pipelines import sun, utils
from pollyxt_pipelines.locations import Location
from pollyxt_pipelines.enums import Atmosphere, Wavelength
from pollyxt_pipelines.polly_to_scc import pollyxt
from pollyxt_pipelines.polly_to_scc.exceptions import (
[docs]def create_scc_netcdf(
pf: pollyxt.PollyXTFile,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
) -> Tuple[str, Path]:
Convert a PollyXT netCDF file to a SCC file.
pf: An opened PollyXT file. When you create this, you can specify the time period of interest.
output_path: Where to store the produced netCDF file
location: Where did this measurement take place
atmosphere: What kind of atmosphere to use.
If atmosphere is set to Atmosphere.SOUNDING, the `Sounding_File_Name` attribute will be set to
`rs_{MEASUREMENT_ID}.rs`, ie the filename of the accompaning radiosonde. This file is *not* created
by this function.
A tuple containing the measurement ID and the output path
# Calculate measurement ID
measurement_id = pf.start_date.strftime(f"%Y%m%d{location.scc_code}%H%M")
# Create SCC file
# Output filename is always the measurement ID
output_filename = output_path / f"{measurement_id}.nc"
nc = Dataset(output_filename, "w")
# Create dimensions (mandatory!)
nc.createDimension("points", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=1))
nc.createDimension("channels", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=2))
nc.createDimension("time", None)
nc.createDimension("nb_of_time_scales", 1)
nc.createDimension("scan_angles", 1)
# Create Global Attributes (mandatory!)
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id
nc.RawData_Start_Date = pf.start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT = pf.start_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT = pf.end_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
# Create Global Attributes (optional)
nc.RawBck_Start_Date = nc.RawData_Start_Date
nc.RawBck_Start_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT
nc.RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT
if atmosphere == Atmosphere.RADIOSONDE:
nc.Sounding_File_Name = f"rs_{measurement_id[:-2]}.nc"
# nc.Overlap_File_Name = 'ov_' + selected_start.strftime('%Y%m%daky%H') + '.nc'
# Calculate sunset and sunrise times for the current station
suninfo = sun.get_sun_times(location, pf.start_date)
if re.match(r"[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d", location.sunrise_time):
hh, mm = location.sunrise_time.split(":")
hh, mm = int(hh), int(mm)
sunrise_time = pf.start_date.replace(hour=hh, minute=mm)
elif suninfo.sunrise_time is not None:
sunrise_time = suninfo.sunrise_time.replace(tzinfo=None)
if re.match(r"[+-]\d+", location.sunrise_time):
sunrise_time += timedelta(minutes=int(location.sunrise_time))
sunrise_time = None
if re.match(r"[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d", location.sunset_time):
hh, mm = location.sunset_time.split(":")
hh, mm = int(hh), int(mm)
sunset_time = pf.start_date.replace(hour=hh, minute=mm)
elif suninfo.sunset_time is not None:
sunset_time = suninfo.sunset_time.replace(tzinfo=None)
if re.match(r"[+-]\d+", location.sunset_time):
sunset_time += timedelta(minutes=int(location.sunset_time))
sunset_time = None
if suninfo.always_up or (
sunrise_time < pf.start_date and pf.start_date < sunset_time
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = location.daytime_configuration
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Is_Daytime = "yes"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = location.nighttime_configuration
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Is_Daytime = "no"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Sunrise_time = (
sunrise_time.strftime("%H:%M") if sunrise_time is not None else "NA"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Sunset_time = (
sunset_time.strftime("%H:%M") if sunset_time is not None else "NA"
# Create Variables. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Start_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_data_stop_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Stop_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_lidar_data = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Lidar_Data", "f8", dimensions=("time", "channels", "points"), zlib=True
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
"channel_ID", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
channel_id[:] = -1
if isinstance(location.channel_id[0], int):
channel_id[:] = np.array(location.channel_id)
str_len = np.max([len(x) for x in location.channel_id])
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
channel_id[:] = np.array(location.channel_id, f"S{str_len}")
id_timescale = nc.createVariable(
"id_timescale", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Pointing_Angle", "f8", dimensions=("scan_angles"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles = nc.createVariable(
dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"),
laser_shots = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Shots", "i4", dimensions=("time", "channels"), zlib=True
background_low = nc.createVariable(
"Background_Low", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
background_high = nc.createVariable(
"Background_High", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
molecular_calc = nc.createVariable("Molecular_Calc", "i4", dimensions=(), zlib=True)
nc.createVariable("Pol_Calib_Range_Min", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
nc.createVariable("Pol_Calib_Range_Max", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
pressure_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Pressure_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
temperature_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Temperature_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
lr_input = nc.createVariable("LR_Input", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True)
# Fill Variables with Data. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time[:] = pf.measurement_time[~pf.calibration_mask]
raw_data_stop_time[:] = (pf.measurement_time[~pf.calibration_mask]) + 30
raw_lidar_data[:] = pf.raw_signal_swap[~pf.calibration_mask]
id_timescale[:] = np.zeros(np.size(pf.raw_signal[~pf.calibration_mask], axis=2))
laser_pointing_angle[:] = int(pf.zenith_angle.item(0))
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles[:] = np.zeros(
np.size(pf.raw_signal[~pf.calibration_mask], axis=0)
laser_shots[:] = pf.measurement_shots[~pf.calibration_mask]
background_low[:] = np.array(location.background_low)
background_high[:] = np.array(location.background_high)
molecular_calc[:] = int(atmosphere)
pressure_at_lidar_station[:] = location.pressure
temperature_at_lidar_station[:] = location.temperature
lr_input[:] = np.array(location.lr_input)
# Close the netCDF file.
return measurement_id, output_filename
[docs]def create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf: pollyxt.PollyXTFile,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
wavelength: Wavelength,
pol_calib_range_min: int = 1200,
pol_calib_range_max: int = 2500,
) -> Tuple[str, Path]:
From a PollyXT netCDF file, create the corresponding calibration SCC file.
Calibration only occures when `depol_cal_angle` is not equal to the default state value.
Take care to create the `PollyXTFile` with these intervals.
pf: An opened PollyXT file
output_path: Where to store the produced netCDF file
location: Where did this measurement take place
wavelength: Calibration for 355nm or 532nm
pol_calib_range_min: Calibration contant calculation, minimum height
pol_calib_range_max: Calibration contant calculation, maximum height
A tuple containing the measurement ID and the output path
# Calculate measurement ID
measurement_id = pf.start_date.strftime(f"%Y%m%d{location.scc_code}%H")
# Create SCC file
# Output filename is always the measurement ID
output_filename = output_path / f"calibration_{measurement_id}_{int(wavelength)}.nc"
nc = Dataset(output_filename, "w")
# Find start/end indices for the +45 and -45 degree calibration cycles in Polly file
idx = list(np.where(np.diff(pf.depol_cal_angle))[0])
start_positive = 2
idx = list(filter(lambda x: x >= start_positive + 4, idx))
end_positive = idx[0]
positive_length = end_positive - start_positive
start_negative = idx[0] + 3
idx = list(filter(lambda x: x >= start_negative + 4, idx))
end_negative = pf.depol_cal_angle.shape[0] - 3
negative_length = end_negative - start_negative
# Reduce the larger period to match
if positive_length > negative_length:
end_positive -= positive_length - negative_length
positive_length = negative_length
elif negative_length > positive_length:
end_negative -= negative_length - positive_length
negative_length = positive_length
# Define total and cross channels IDs from Polly
if wavelength == Wavelength.NM_355:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_355_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_355_nm_idx
channel_ids = np.array(
+ location.calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "35"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_532:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_532_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_532_nm_idx
channel_ids = np.array(
+ location.calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "53"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
elif wavelength == Wavelength.NM_1064:
total_channel_idx = location.total_channel_1064_nm_idx
cross_channel_idx = location.cross_channel_1064_nm_idx
channel_ids = np.array(
+ location.calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids
nc.Measurement_ID = measurement_id + "10"
nc.X_PollyXTPipelines_Configuration_ID = (
raise ValueError(f"Unknown wavelength {wavelength}")
# Create Dimensions. (mandatory)
nc.createDimension("points", np.size(pf.raw_signal, axis=1))
nc.createDimension("channels", 4)
nc.createDimension("time", positive_length)
nc.createDimension("nb_of_time_scales", 1)
nc.createDimension("scan_angles", 1)
# Create Global Attributes. (mandatory)
# Move start date a couple of profiles forward to accomodate the fact that we skip
# some profiles at the beginning of the file.
start_date = pf.start_date + timedelta(seconds=(start_positive * 30))
nc.RawData_Start_Date = start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT = start_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT = pf.end_date.strftime("%H%M%S")
# Create Global Attributes (optional)
nc.RawBck_Start_Date = nc.RawData_Start_Date
nc.RawBck_Start_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Start_Time_UT
nc.RawBck_Stop_Time_UT = nc.RawData_Stop_Time_UT
# Create Variables. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Start_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_data_stop_time = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Data_Stop_Time", "i4", dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"), zlib=True
raw_lidar_data = nc.createVariable(
"Raw_Lidar_Data", "f8", dimensions=("time", "channels", "points"), zlib=True
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
"channel_ID", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
channel_id[:] = 1
if isinstance(location.channel_id[0], int):
channel_id[:] = np.array(channel_ids)
str_len = np.max([len(x) for x in channel_ids])
channel_id = nc.createVariable(
channel_id[:] = np.array(channel_ids)
id_timescale = nc.createVariable(
"id_timescale", "i4", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Pointing_Angle", "f8", dimensions=("scan_angles"), zlib=True
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles = nc.createVariable(
dimensions=("time", "nb_of_time_scales"),
laser_shots = nc.createVariable(
"Laser_Shots", "i4", dimensions=("time", "channels"), zlib=True
background_low = nc.createVariable(
"Background_Low", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
background_high = nc.createVariable(
"Background_High", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
molecular_calc = nc.createVariable("Molecular_Calc", "i4", dimensions=(), zlib=True)
pol_calib_range_min_var = nc.createVariable(
"Pol_Calib_Range_Min", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
pol_calib_range_max_var = nc.createVariable(
"Pol_Calib_Range_Max", "f8", dimensions=("channels"), zlib=True
pressure_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Pressure_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
temperature_at_lidar_station = nc.createVariable(
"Temperature_at_Lidar_Station", "f8", dimensions=(), zlib=True
# Fill Variables with Data. (mandatory)
raw_data_start_time[:] = np.arange(0, positive_length) * 30
raw_data_stop_time[:] = (np.arange(0, positive_length) * 30) + 30
id_timescale[:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
laser_pointing_angle[:] = 5
laser_pointing_angle_of_profiles[:, :] = 0.0
laser_shots[:] = 600
background_low[:] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
background_high[:] = np.array([249, 249, 249, 249])
molecular_calc[:] = 0
pol_calib_range_min_var[:] = np.repeat(pol_calib_range_min, 4)
pol_calib_range_max_var[:] = np.repeat(pol_calib_range_max, 4)
pressure_at_lidar_station[:] = location.pressure
temperature_at_lidar_station[:] = location.temperature
raw_lidar_data[:] = 0
# Total channel, +45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 0, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_positive:end_positive, total_channel_idx, :
# Cross channel, +45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 2, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_positive:end_positive, cross_channel_idx, :
# Total channel, -45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 1, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_negative:end_negative, total_channel_idx, :
# Cross channel, -45°
raw_lidar_data[:, 3, :] = pf.raw_signal_swap[
start_negative:end_negative, cross_channel_idx, :
# Close the netCDF file.
return measurement_id, output_filename
[docs]def convert_pollyxt_file(
repo: pollyxt.PollyXTRepository,
output_path: Path,
location: Location,
interval: timedelta,
atmosphere: Atmosphere,
Converts a pollyXT repository into a collection of SCC files. The input files will be split/merged into intervals
before being converted to the new format.
This function is a generator, so you can use it in a for loop to monitor progress:
for measurement_id, path, start_time, end_time in convert_pollyxt_file(...):
# Do something with id/path, maybe print a message?
repo: PollyXT file to convert
output_path: Directory to write the SCC files
location: Geographical information, where the measurement took place
interval: What interval to use when splitting the PollyXT file (e.g. 1 hour)
atmosphere: Which atmosphere to use on SCC
should_round: If true, the interval starts will be rounded down. For example, from 01:02 to 01:00.
calibration: Set to False to disable generation of calibration files.
start_hour: Optionally, set when the first file should start. The intervals will start from here. (HH:MM or YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM format, string)
end_hour: Optionally, also set the end time. Must be used with `start_hour`. If this is set, only one output file
is generated, for your target interval (HH:MM or YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM format, string).
# Open input netCDF
measurement_start, measurement_end = repo.get_time_period()
# Handle start/end time
if start_time is not None:
start_time = utils.date_option_to_datetime(measurement_start, start_time)
if start_time < measurement_start or measurement_end < start_time:
raise TimeOutsideFile(measurement_start, measurement_end, start_time)
measurement_start = start_time
if start_time is None and end_time is not None:
raise ValueError("Can't use end_hour without start_hour")
if end_time is not None:
end_time = utils.date_option_to_datetime(measurement_end, end_time)
if end_time < measurement_start or measurement_end < start_time:
raise TimeOutsideFile(measurement_start, measurement_end, end_time)
measurement_end = end_time
if interval is None:
interval = timedelta(seconds=(end_time - start_time).total_seconds())
# Create output files
interval_start = measurement_start
while interval_start < measurement_end:
# If the option is set, round down hours
if should_round:
interval_start = interval_start.replace(microsecond=0, second=0, minute=0)
# Interval end
interval_end = interval_start + interval
# Open netCDF file and convert to SCC
pf = repo.get_pollyxt_file(
interval_start, interval_end + timedelta(seconds=1)
id, path = create_scc_netcdf(pf, output_path, location, atmosphere)
yield id, path, pf.start_date, pf.end_date
except NoMeasurementsInTimePeriod as ex:
# Go to next loop
interval_start = interval_end
# Set start of next interval to the end of this one
interval_start = interval_end
# Generate calibration files
if calibration:
depol_channels = location.has_depol_channels()
# Check for any valid calibration intervals
for start, end in repo.get_calibration_periods():
if start > measurement_start and end < measurement_end:
pf = repo.get_pollyxt_file(start, end)
# Generate calibration files for all channels that exist!
for wv, channel_exists in depol_channels.items():
if channel_exists:
# HACK, do something more robust here
id, path = create_scc_calibration_netcdf(
pf, output_path, location, wavelength=wv
yield id, path, start, end
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Failed to generate calibration file: {ex}")