Source code for pollyxt_pipelines.locations

Contains information about locations

Each location (i.e. SCC station) is defined in an .ini file. For some stations,
the .ini files are included with the software but custom locations can be defined.

import io
import sys
import re
from configparser import ConfigParser, SectionProxy
from importlib.resources import read_text
from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Union, Optional

from rich.markdown import Markdown
from rich.table import Table

from pollyxt_pipelines import config
from pollyxt_pipelines.enums import Wavelength
from pollyxt_pipelines.console import console
from pollyxt_pipelines.utils import ints_to_csv, parse_into_string_or_integer_list

[docs]class Location(NamedTuple): """ Represents a physical location of PollyXT installation. """ name: str """Location friendly name""" profile_name: str """How are the WRF profile names prefixed""" sounding_provider: str """Which radiosonde provider to use""" scc_code: str """SCC Station code""" lat: float """Latitude of station""" lon: float """Longitude of station""" altitude_asl: float """Altitude of station""" daytime_configuration: int """SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Daytime""" nighttime_configuration: int """SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Nightime""" calibration_configuration_355nm: Optional[int] """SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (355 nm)""" calibration_configuration_532nm: Optional[int] """SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (532 nm)""" calibration_configuration_1064nm: Optional[int] """SCC Lidar Configuration ID - Calibration (532 nm)""" depol_calibration_zero_state: int """Value of `depol_cal_angle` when there is *no* calibration taking place""" channel_id: Union[List[int], List[str]] """Mapping of PollyXT Channels to SCC Channels Comma-separated list. The order of the list is the order of the channels in the PollyXT netCDF file. """ background_low: List[int] """Value for the `Background_Low` variable""" background_high: List[int] """Value for the `Background_High` variable""" lr_input: List[int] """Value for the `lr_input` variable""" temperature: int """Temperature at the lidar station (`Temperature_at_Lidar_Station` variable)""" pressure: int """Pressure at the lidar station (`Pressure_at_Lidar_Station` variable)""" total_channel_355_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (355nm)""" cross_channel_355_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (355nm)""" total_channel_532_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (532nm)""" cross_channel_532_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (532nm)""" total_channel_1064_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the total channel (1064nm)""" cross_channel_1064_nm_idx: Optional[int] """Index in Polly netCDF file for the cross channel (1064nm)""" calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 355nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 355nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 532nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 532nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 1064nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids: Union[List[int], List[str]] """ Calibration channel SCC IDs for 1064nm. Comma separated list. First value must be the +45° channel, second value must be the -45° channel. """ sunrise_time: str """ Sunrise time (HH:MM) or offset (minutes from calculated sunrise in +X or -X format, where X an integer) """ sunset_time: str """ Sunrise time (HH:MM) or offset (minutes from calculated sunrise in +X or -X format, where X an integer) """
[docs] def print(self): """ Prints this location as a Table in the terminal """ table = Table( table.add_column("Key") table.add_column("Value") for key, value in self._asdict().items(): if isinstance(value, list): value = ints_to_csv(value) table.add_row(key, str(value)) console.print(table)
[docs] def has_depol_channels(self) -> Dict[Wavelength, bool]: """ Returns a dictionary of wavelengths to booleans, true if that corresponding wavelength has depolarization channels. """ return { Wavelength.NM_355: self.calibration_configuration_355nm is not None and self.total_channel_355_nm_idx is not None and self.cross_channel_355_nm_idx is not None and self.calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids and self.calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids, Wavelength.NM_532: self.calibration_configuration_532nm is not None and self.total_channel_532_nm_idx is not None and self.cross_channel_532_nm_idx is not None and self.calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids and self.calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids, Wavelength.NM_1064: self.calibration_configuration_1064nm is not None and self.total_channel_1064_nm_idx is not None and self.cross_channel_1064_nm_idx is not None and self.calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids and self.calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids, }
[docs]def location_from_section(name: str, section: SectionProxy) -> Location: """ Create a Location from a ConfigParser Section (SectionProxy) """ channel_id = parse_into_string_or_integer_list(section.get("channel_id")) background_low = [int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("background_low").split(",")] background_high = [ int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("background_high").split(",") ] lr_input = [int(x.strip()) for x in section.get("lr_input").split(",")] calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids") ) calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids") ) calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids") ) calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids") ) calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids") ) calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids = parse_into_string_or_integer_list( section.get("calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids") ) return Location( name=name, scc_code=section["scc_code"], lat=section.getfloat("lat"), lon=section.getfloat("lon"), altitude_asl=section.getfloat("altitude_asl"), daytime_configuration=section.getint("daytime_configuration"), nighttime_configuration=section.getint("nighttime_configuration"), calibration_configuration_355nm=section.getint( "calibration_configuration_355nm", None ), calibration_configuration_532nm=section.getint( "calibration_configuration_532nm", None ), calibration_configuration_1064nm=section.getint( "calibration_configuration_1064nm", None ), depol_calibration_zero_state=section.getint( "depol_calibration_zero_state", ), channel_id=channel_id, background_low=background_low, background_high=background_high, lr_input=lr_input, temperature=section.getint("temperature"), pressure=section.getint("pressure"), total_channel_355_nm_idx=section.getint("total_channel_355_nm_idx", None), cross_channel_355_nm_idx=section.getint("cross_channel_355_nm_idx", None), total_channel_532_nm_idx=section.getint("total_channel_532_nm_idx", None), cross_channel_532_nm_idx=section.getint("cross_channel_532_nm_idx", None), total_channel_1064_nm_idx=section.getint("total_channel_1064_nm_idx", None), cross_channel_1064_nm_idx=section.getint("cross_channel_1064_nm_idx", None), calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids=calibration_355nm_total_channel_ids, calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids=calibration_355nm_cross_channel_ids, calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids=calibration_532nm_total_channel_ids, calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids=calibration_532nm_cross_channel_ids, calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids=calibration_1064nm_total_channel_ids, calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids=calibration_1064nm_cross_channel_ids, sounding_provider=section["sounding_provider"], profile_name=section["profile_name"], sunrise_time=section.get("sunrise_time", "0"), sunset_time=section.get("sunset_time", "0"), )
[docs]def read_locations() -> Dict[str, Location]: """ Reads all built-in and custom locations into a dictionary: name -> Location """ locations = {} # Read built-in locations locations_buffer = io.StringIO( read_text("pollyxt_pipelines.locations", "locations.ini") ) locations_config = ConfigParser() locations_config.read_file(locations_buffer) for name in locations_config.sections(): section = locations_config[name] locations[name] = location_from_section(name, section) # Read custom locations location_paths = [path / "locations.ini" for path in config.config_paths()] locations_config = ConfigParser() for name in locations_config.sections(): section = locations_config[name] try: locations[name] = location_from_section(name, section) except Exception: console.print( f"Could not load locations from config file, problem occured in section [{name}]." ) console.print("Check the following files:") for path in location_paths: if path.is_file(): console.print(f"\t-{path}") sys.exit(1) return locations
LOCATIONS = read_locations() """List of all known locations"""
[docs]def get_location_by_scc_code(code: str) -> Union[Location, None]: """ Returns a location by its SCC code or `None` if it doesn't exist. """ for loc in LOCATIONS.values(): if loc.scc_code == code: return loc return None
[docs]def unknown_location_error(name: str): """ Prints an error message that the given location is not found, along with a list of known locations """ error = ( f"[error]Could not find location[/error]{name}[error]\nKnown locations:\n\n." ) for l in LOCATIONS: error += f"* {}" console.print(Markdown(error))